Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Philip's Farewell Party

Our brother Philip will be leaving to Sabah on this coming Saturday to pursue his studies. We, on behalf of Joy Fellowship wishes him all the best in the future and hope to see him back soon! Do take care and we will definitely miss you. =) Distance is and will never be a problem ya. Keep in touch with us.

Do continue to shine for the Lord, keep burning and light the world with God's glory and unfailing love.

Our brother Philip.

Just for him, done by sister Adeline! 

 Titanic acting scene.

 Cutting hair acting scene

Philip's present. 

 He's too happy. haha. 

 Yummy yummy cake, =p

Group photo.

May the road rise up to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A site worth checking out

Dear all,

Do click and watch the videos in this blog. Very interesting and good articles can be found. =)


Monday, June 21, 2010


LIFE CAMP is back! 

I managed to request for only a MAXIMUM of TEN campers!!

So.. be grateful ppl cuz priority is given to Joy Fellowship members and NEW FRIENDS!

Since there's not enough place for everyone...it's gonna be first come first serve basis!

SO be quick and let me know of ur decisions as this is not a chance to be missed! (ask those who've been there before)

Date:             8-11th September, 2010 (Wed - Sat)
Venue:          EL Sanctuary Malacca
Language:     English
Price:            RM230 (Early bird/before July 11)
                     RM250 (Regular/ before August 15)
                     RM270 (Late/ before August 29)

So check your schedules everyone (and ur frens' too!) and let me know asap whether you want to join...before it's full! It's around the Raya Holidays so it should be easier for some of you.

That's all for now! Hope you all will be able to get back to me asap!

If you guys want the CHEAPEST price, you guys better make your decisions fast!!

You can also visit their blog at:

Life Camp

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Orientation 2010

Joy Fellowship's first gathering for year 2010.

Thanks to Adeline's sharing, we are now exposed to the right techniques in making effective new year resolutions=)

A big thank you to everyone who made the effort to come over and join us. Everyone counts and Joy Fellowship will never be the same without the participation of you guys!

Cheers! And of course, glory to the Lord above who took charge of everything.


Memory lane of 2009

Year 2009

1) Our team joined the Precious Moment Camp.

Some pictures to share.

2) Our first fellowship gathering

3) August 14

Our first candle-light-under-the-monkey-bar supposed to be picnic sharing fellowship.

The committee intended to have our fellowship under the sky which will be filled with stars (although i am not sure we can see stars in KL), under the monkey bar in our playground of our church.

Mentor Kee Sern was the earliest, although he seemed as if he didn't know what we were up to that day. Carol and i came after that and we started decorating the place with the decos Carol made and the candles I brought. Then, Wilfred came too with his new weapon aka the guitar.

We had a splendid time singing under the monkey bar but it was drizzling very soon after we started singing .  So we had no choice but to move our campsite back to our usual classroom . Anyway, we had a good time singing and then we had a very very enjoyable fellowship and warm bonding session together.

We played truth or dare. Everyone of us got to know each other better , and the juiciest part is that we talked mostly about BOY GIRL RELATIONSHIPS, which seems to be a very interesting topic.

So, next time you want know more about us ( and the latest secretss! hahah ), make sure to come and join us for our fellowship cause you'll never know what you'll find out from us ! =)

Credits :

a) Thanks to Carol for the decos, I especially love the "HOUSE" part.
b) Thanks to Ade, Wilfred and Lawrence ( two of which are first timers) , for the effort in our praise and  
     worship session.
c) Thanks to Philip , for the home-made muffins . it was good! 
d) Thanks to Ze Young, for the snacks and all .
e) Thanks to Mentor Kee Sern , for the canvas ! ^^
f) Thanks to Mentor Fong Yew, for coming in jeans!
g) Thanks to Kai Yun for the candles to enhance the atmosphere. 

4) October16

We gathered for a dinner at church. We had a great night 'debating' about, should girls pamper their boyfriends?.... We managed to share our opinions regarding what's our future plans. =) We definitely got to know each other better after that night.

Overall, it was a good night. We really enjoy learning and building each other up in god's love. 

5) October 23

Our beloved Mentor Kee Sern's wife gave birth to another baby boy! We haven't seen the 'real' baby yet but we have a picture here to share with you guys. He's so adorable! =) Like Father like Son.

Name: Gabriel Lau

6) Futsal